Make optimum decisions by utilising your asset data
We have the capability to perform asset data analytics to enable your business analyses and inform your asset management decision making. Our asset data analytics is information system agnostic. We can perform analytics using data from virtually any information system. In the past, we have worked with a broad range of asset information systems (SAP, Maximo, Ellipse, Mainpac, MEX, Archibus etc).
We use our asset data analytics platform and engineering expertise to efficiently interrogate the asset data in your asset information systems. We also use other relevant data sources where available and appropriate. Our asset data analytics will provide you with insight into your:
Our other asset data analytics capabilities include:
- Condition monitoring and asset risk assessments
- Life cycle costing and capital planning
- Configuration management
- Shutdown scope analysis
- Asset management planning
Since 2004 Covaris has been at the leading edge of asset management analytics, working with a broad range of asset data and the majority of the most frequently used asset information systems (SAP, Maximo, Ellipse, Mainpac, MEX, Archibus etc). The focus of this work has always been:
- Insightful reporting for asset management decision making
- Speed of analysis to reduce the cost of the investment in this work
- Robustness to cope with the poorest quality data and convert into the most valuable reports
- Asset information system agnostic
- Our asset data analysis capability is delivered by an extensive software platform containing multiple analysis techniques. We can process data of any quantity and language from any system in use throughout the world. We do not sell software, we use our platform to deliver the information you need to make truly informed asset management decisions based on your asset data.
Our asset data analytics platform design has benefited from the international reliability and asset life assessment research of Dr Robin Platfoot, which commenced in the power stations of NSW in the 1980s and has continued through academic work in the 1990’s. The platform has truly evolved though continual research and development in the past 18 years of Covaris though the delivery of professional services ranging across all industries, government, and all types of facilities.