Paper By:
Dr Seyed Safi and Mr Michael Leversha
This paper was presented at the IHEA Healthcare Facilities Management Conference 2017
This paper describes the processes that assure asset management compliance with statutory requirements for maintenance delivery.
The work involved the efficient upgrade of the asset management system from initial asset validation to a final upload of the master data.
Four processes have been developed to ensure that data collection, validation, development and management is consistent across the portfolio. The techniques outlined in these processes are presented utilising a case study involving a portfolio of public hospitals.
- The first process covers asset validation and data collection, including guidelines for asset attributes and data standards.
- The second process is asset condition assessment.
- The third process provides a consistent procedure for asset criticality analysis.
- The last process is the development of preventive maintenance strategies for maintainable assets.
The main requirement of the maintenance strategies is both assuring equipment reliability and compliance with statutory obligations. The process ensures statutory compliance by providing a line of sight from statute to regulation to asset class and then to maintenance job plans. It provides the asset manager with visibility of the requirements of maintenance for each asset type and assures the compliance of each asset in the asset portfolio.